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In terms of time commitment, it depends on what section you would like to do and how much time you need to spend to finish a section. For example, if you decide to do the entire B/B section, then it will take a lot of time, but if you choose do just do the amino acid subsection, it'll take less than an hour to format everything. Similar to when working in a lab, there is no weekly time commitment - there's only a specific date you have to finish your section and you spend whatever time you need to get it done by that date. Once you sign up and are accepted, we will let you learn more.

Laptop & Coffee


The majority of the work is not even writing but copy and pasting from our MCAT outline into the 3-column study guide style.  The rest is just editing and small polishes here and there.



In the application, you'll need to pick which part of the book you'd like to work on. Again, all material that will be going into the book has already been found, written, or compiled.  Your job is to organize and copy/paste it into the 3-column style as mentioned in the beginning. We'll be using Microsoft Word 365 and OneDrive to share manuscripts, so be sure to download those if you do not have it.  Contact your university because they often will offer free Microsoft Office 365.  If you have lots of time, pick a section or two to edit/organize.  If you're busy, you can pick a chapter or subchapter to organize.  You can find the sections and chapters in our table of contents (TOC).

Activities: Service
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